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FSCI Food Science Subject Guide: Articles & Journals

A guide for finding Food Science information to support your academic research and coursework

Articles & Journals Hub

Your hub for articles, featuring key databases and search tips to simplify your research

Search Strategies

Select & Use Keywords

Choose Specific Keywords: Use precise terms related to your topic, such as "Food Safety", "Pathogen Detection", and Salmonella

Combine Keywords: Use Boolean operators to refine searches, such as:

(Food Safety OR Pathogen Detection) AND salmonella

Expand with Synonyms: Broaden your search by including related terms:

(Food Safety OR Pathogen Detection) AND (salmonella OR E. coli) AND (Rapid Testing OR Biosensors)

For more guidance, watch the video Selecting & Using Keywords to refine your search strategy.

Cited Reference Searching

Track research trends and find more resources by exploring cited references.

Web of Science

  • Use citation tools and 'Times Cited' to trace influential works and expand your research.


Google Scholar Citation Linking

  • Find articles that cite your source using Google Scholar.

Off-Campus Access

Off-campus database access
Only current CSULB students, faculty, and staff can connect by logging in when prompted through the library website.


Access Food Sciences Databases

Agriculture & Environment
Health & Nutrition
Science & Research
Legal & Business
Free Database Organized by Subject

Web of Science Tutorial

Web of Science Tutorial
Learn to navigate and use Web of Science

ScienceDirect Tutorial

ScienceDirect Tutorial
Learn to navigate and use ScienceDirect

Find Journals

Find Journals

Locate specific journals by title or subject and evaluate their impact using citation data.


Use Cabells to find academic journals, publishing information, manuscript tools, and journal metrics.


Locate highly ranked journals Use Journal Citation Reports to search a journal title or select another option to find journals ranked by impact factor 


Use Ulrichsweb for an easy-to-search source of detailed information on academic and scholarly journals

Food Science Journals

Essential Food Science Journals

Google Scholar

Google Scholar
Configure Google Scholar to link your account with the CSULB Library for access to full-text materials. Watch this video to learn how.

Search Google Scholar

Google Scholar Search