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FSCI Food Science Subject Guide: Books / eBooks

A guide for finding Food Science information to support your academic research and coursework

Books, eBooks & Media

Discover a variety of resources, including books, eBooks, streaming media, and curated Food Science topics, to support your research and learning needs.

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Explore Key Topics in Food Science

Explore Key Food Science Topics

Click the links below for targeted searches on key Food Science Subject Headings:

  1. Brewing: Techniques in beer and ale production through fermentation.
  2. Canning and Preserving: Methods to extend food shelf life and ensure safety.
  3. Food Adulteration and Inspection: Ensuring compliance with food standards and addressing contamination.
  4. Agricultural Biotechnology: Scientific enhancements in plant and animal agriculture.
  5. Agriculture: Cultivation practices for crops and livestock.
  6. Food - Analysis: Assessing food quality and safety through various testing methods.
  7. Food - Preservation: Methods to prevent spoilage and maintain food's nutritional value.
  8. Food - Composition: Analysis of the chemical structures in food.
  9. Food - Microbiology: Exploration of microorganisms in food production and contamination.
  10. Food - Biotechnology: Advances in improving food quality and production through technology.

Streaming Media Collections

Streaming Media

Access online audio and video for CSULB students and faculty.

  • Search by Title: Find specific titles in OneSearch (Books & Media).
  • Browse Collections: Access streaming collections via this guide.
  • Search Within Collections: Locate songs or videos in OneSearch or specific databases.
  • Full List: Visit the University Library's streaming media page.


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