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MAE 471: Design and Analysis of Mechanical Engineering Systems I: Find Books / Ebooks

This is the first course (of a two-semester sequence) for the mechanical engineering senior design course.

Finding Books in OneSearch (Library Catalog)

OneSearch is the CSULB library catalog. In addition to searching the CSULB collection, you can also search and request physical items from the CSU libraries.  Use OneSearch to find books, eBooks, CD's, DVD's, videos, journal titles and other material available in the CSULB and the other CSU Libraries.

We also have access to many government publications via  OneSearch that are freely available on the Internet. Government publications are important for many engineering disciplines.

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The major EBook collections for Engineering are belowThe individual titles from these collections are included in OneSearch. 

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University of Pittsburgh has an excellent description of Google Books

Useful for searching the contents of books.

If full-text is not available in Google Books search OneSearch to see if book is available or request via Illiad.

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