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MAE 471: Design and Analysis of Mechanical Engineering Systems I: Find Articles / Databases

This is the first course (of a two-semester sequence) for the mechanical engineering senior design course.


Check the databases page on the Engineering guide for more resources including the "Related Databases" and "Related Subject Guides."

Use appropriate databases depending on your  design.  For instance if your design has medical or health dimensions  to it use the appropriate database from  Databases by Topic list (Health Science).

In our class example TRID (database for transportation) is important.

Get It @ CSULB

Get It @ CSULB

This button appears in almost all of the Library's research databases (e.g. Academic Search Complete or PsycInfo).

Click the button to search CSULB's subscriptions for the full text of your article.

If you have any problems, please report them using the form linked below. Details about Get It @ CSULB, including on how to integrate it with other systems like citation managers, are available below. 

Not Available at CSULB?

Is your article not available at CSULB?

Put in a request through CSU+ straight from OneSearch to get full-text of any article. 

You can request an item directly if you can't find it in OneSearch.

Need more information? Visit Borrow From Another Library, our interlibrary services page.


OneSearch: Everything

OneSearch is a discovery tool that allows you to search most everything the CSULB Library owns or has access to through one simple search box to retrieve credible, authoritative, and suitable articles. It solves the problem of not knowing where to start.

Keep in mind though OneSearch searches most but not ALL library databases (for instance it does not search Compendex).

Engineering databases

Business Databases

Check out more databases in Business

Google Scholar

When you have tried all the appropriate databases from the library and still have not found the information you need, try Google Scholar - you may be able to unearth that nugget of information you need!

Watch this video  to set your user preferances so you can connect to full-text at CSULB.