All these reference books are located on the first floor of the Library in the Reference collection. They cannot be checked out; please make photocopies or scan relevant pages
Marks' Standard Handbook for Mechanical engineers. TJ151 .M4 2007
Kempe's Engineers year-book TA151.A1 E6 1983
The CRC Handbook of Mechanical Engineering TJ151 .C73 2005
Mechanical Engineer's Handbook TJ151 .M3953 2001
Smithells Metals Reference bBook TN671 .S55 2004
Metals Handbook TA459 .M288 1998
ASM Handbook TA459 .M43 1990 (21 vol.)
Handbook of Materials for Product Design TA 403.4 .H365 2001
Ramsey/Sleeper Architectural Graphic Standards TH2031 .A84 1988