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ARTstor: Faculty

This guide will show you how to access and use ARTstor. It was created by Catherine Medeot of Manhattanville College Library and adapted for use by the CSULB community by Leslie Andersen.

Instructor Privileges Account

Instructor Privileges allow you to supplement ARTstor content with your own personal collections and to create public folders for your students to view.

To get started, please contact Leslie Andersen and ask for an upgrade to Instructor Level Privileges. This type of account is only available to faculty and staff.


With Instructor Privileges, you can customize your ARTstor account to tailor it to your and your students' needs.

Public Folders: Create public folders that your students can easily access and use for their study guides, papers, and presentations. From the Navigation Menu, click on Share > Create Folder. A series of windows will prompt you to enter a folder name and to select if you would like to "Make folder public at my institution." You will also have the option to select another person in addition to yourself who has access to edit the folder ("write access"). Finally, a confirmation window will appear with the name of your folder, which means it is now available to all institutional users. You can also create password protected folders as well as student work folders (please see help links in the left-hand sidebar).

Personal Collection: Enhance your ARTstor folders with your personal content. With one gig of space, you can even include multimedia such as MP3's. To upload your files, from the navigation menu choose Upload > Upload to personal collection > Image and audio files. Click browse to select your files and then choose upload.

Training Sessions

If you would like to schedule a one-on-one ARTstor training session, please do not hesitate to contact me at

ARTstor also has webinars available for all users. Please refer to their online training schedule for available topics and dates.