Historical Voices"The purpose of Historical Voices is to create a significant, fully searchable online database of spoken word collections spanning the 20th century - the first large-scale repository of its kind."
Internet ArchiveThe Internet Archive... "is building a digital library of Internet sites and other cultural artifacts in digital form." Good for audio and visual primary material.
Vincent Voice LibraryVincent Voice Library collection of over 40,000 hours of spoken word recordings, dating back to 1888. The collection includes the voices of over 100,000 persons from all walks of life.
VOAHA III: The Virtual Oral/Aural History ArchiveThis Site provides access to the full audio recordings of oral histories. You will hear the actual spoken words of oral history narrators. No transcriptions available. The CSULB oral history collections include topics ranging from women's social history and ethnic studies to Long Beach Area history and the Arts in Southern California. Some of the interviews in the Asian-American, Mexican-American and women's history collections date back to 1972 and include intervees born in the 1860s.
YouTubeIf used carefully, a youtube search can produce quite a few visual and audio recordings of historical events. Be careful to assess the authenticity and neutrality of the media you decide to use.
19th Century US Newspapers Digital ArchiveFeatures publications of all kinds, from political party newspapers to major dailies papers published by African Americans, Native Americans, women's rights groups, labor groups, and the Confederacy.
Archives of Sexuality and GenderThe full-text documents in the Archives of Human Sexuality and Identity: LGBTQ History and Culture include material drawn from hundreds of institutions and organizations, including both major international activist organizations and local, grassroots groups since 1940. They present important aspects of LGBTQ life in the second half of the twentieth century.
California Newspaper ArchiveFull text facsimile content of California newspapers from 1846 to date. Includes Long Beach newspapers, 1938-1977, Orange County Register 1913-2016 and many other regional California newspapers.
LGBT Magazine ArchiveComplete issues of 27 key titles, chronicling the history and evolution of LGBT history and culture, including civil rights, health, lifestyle, politics, art and more from local, national and international writers, editors, thinkers, organizers and activists. From 1950s to 2015.
Meet the PressA weekly American television news/interview program broadcast on NBC. Contains episodes from 1947 to 2013. There are interviews with leaders on politics, economics, foreign policy and other public affairs, with panel discussions providing opinions and analysis.
North American Immigrant Letters, Diaries and Oral HistoriesProvides a unique and personal view of what it meant to immigrate to America and Canada. ... Several thousand pages of Ellis Island Oral History interviews, indexed and searchable for the first time, are included, along with thousands of political cartoons.
Primary Image Sources
Ad*AccessImages and database information for over 7,000 advertisements printed in U.S. and Canadian newspapers and magazines between 1911 and 1955. Concentrates on five main subject areas: Radio, Television, Transportation, Beauty and Hygiene, and World War II.
New York Public Library Picture Collection OnlineContains 30,000 high-resolution digital images taken from the New York Public Library's extensive collection of books, magazines, newspapers, photographs, and prints. Most images are pre-1923, and the collection is especially strong in the areas of fashion and natural history.
Perseus Digital LibraryExtensive digital library of primary source texts and artifacts, covering Ancient Greece and Rome, the English Renaissance, and early North American history.
Prints and Photographs Online CatalogProvides access to more than one million historically significant digital images, some of which can be freely downloaded.