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SLP 696 Research Methods Applied & Basic

The following guide presents a collection of informational resources to support the graduate level research process

Database Search Strategies

  1. PubMed's MeSH is used to find the definition, synonyms, more specific, or broader terms to search, or you can build your MeSH term(s) search in PubMed
  2. CINAHL Subject Heading Search method is used to find materials according to the subject terms assigned to them based on their content
  3. Cited Reference Searching is a search technique to help you find the most authors, material types, titles, etc... related to your research topic
  4. Research Methodology filters will reduce your search results to just those related to your topic using those research methods you are looking for
  5. Population Characteristic(s) filters will return those research studies related to your research topic including only those populations / groups you are looking for