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Children's Literature

Find information about the CSULB University Library's Children's Collection as well as information about children's literature in general.

Finding Children's Literature at CSULB

Find books using the advanced search feature of OneSearch and select Books & Media (CSULB), then enter "CSULB children's collection", and then enter your keywords in the second box and click search:


Onesearch screen with arrows to "CSULB Books and Media", box to write "csulb childrens books," empty box for keywords and the Search button

This will limit your search to the books found in our Children's Collection.

Also, search DAWCL or ALSC Awards Shelf for award winning children's book titles and then use our OneSearch to see if we have them:

Finding Information ABOUT Children's Literature

Article Databases

Search for articles ABOUT children's literature, written by teachers, librarians and university professors

Children's Literature Journals

These journals publishing research about children's literature and child development are available free on the web.

Looking for that old book you loved?

Oftentimes we remember a story fondly but can't remember the title or author.  This seems to happen frequently with children's books we remember having been read to us when we were little.  Try these ideas to find the titles and relive the memories!