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Children's Literature

Find information about the CSULB University Library's Children's Collection as well as information about children's literature in general.

Books in Other Languages at CSULB

To find books in other languages available at CSULB, do an advanced search in OneSearch:

  • Select Books&Media (CSULB)
  • Select which language you are interested in on the right.

arrows to Books & Media, csulb children's collection and language pull down menu

You can also do subject searches on the following (sometimes this gets you better/more results):

  • "Children's Literature - (language)" (e.g. Children's Literature - German
  • "(language) Language Materials" (e.g. Spanish Language Materials)
  • "Bilingual books -- English-(language)" (e.g. Bilingual books -- English-Spanish)

We have books in French, Spanish, Latin, German, Japanese, Hmong, Vietnamese, Korean and more.

Teaching English Language Learners

Bilingual Books at CSULB