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Children's Literature

Find information about the CSULB University Library's Children's Collection as well as information about children's literature in general.

Finding a Newspaper Article

You can use OneSearch's Newspapers Search to get access to millions of reputable newspaper articles.

Go to Advanced Search.newspaper

At the very top of the page is Newspapers Search.

Put your keywords in the search box. (e.g. "public schools income")

On the left side:

Limit your results to 2024

You can also select a specific newspaper (e.g. New York Times) under Journal Title

You will find a link to the full text in the articles' record.

EDEL 300

Children’s Literature
for Cultural and Linguistic Diversity in Schools

Your Librarian: Cathy Outten |

ACTIVITY 1 - Using OneSearch to find books

  • Use Advanced Search and select Books & Media (CSULB)
  • Enter “CSULB Children’s Collection” on first line
  • Use keywords (e.g. bunnies) or library “subject terms”: (e.g. rabbits) on the second line
  • In results use limiters on the side to choose things like:
    • Location: Nonfiction, Picture Books, Fiction, Graphic Novels, etc.
    • Date: More recent publications are more likely to be culturally positive
  • Find the LOCATION and CALL NUMBER for a book and write them here:


ACTIVITY 2 – Children’s Lit Research Guide

  • Link through Home Page/ Research Guides/ Children’s Literature
  • DEIA - Diversity and Representation, find a book or award that reflects an identity you hold, or you think your students might hold. Write the book title or award name here:
  • Banned Books - Ignore this page, we will discuss later….
  • Awards - So Many Awards, write the name of one interesting award here:
  • Book Lists – Which list might you use?
  • Course Guides - EDEL 300 page

Activity 3 - Evaluating a Children’s Book

  • Find a book, using OneSearch and booklists/awards lists
  • Age/ability appropriate?
  • Content Standards, extensions, how can this book promote learning?
  • Multiethnic/cultural, are different cultures reflected in a positive way? Is it culturally responsive and affirming?
  • Anti-bias, are biases and stereotypes avoided? Non-sexist? Reflective of your readers? Positive?
  • Accurate information?
  • Illustrations, are they pleasing and? Appealing techniques and colors are used? content appropriate? do they connect to the text?

Activity 4 - Banned and Challenged Books


  • Challenges are increasing exponentially
  • Top reasons for challenges are for LGBTQ+ and/or racial/ethnic content or authorship
  • Book removal harms children in that they won’t see themselves represented, and won’t learn about other people’s lives

Choose a challenged book.

  1. What might make someone challenge this book?
  2. What gaps in knowledge would be there be If this book were removed, who would miss out?

Check yourself:

  1. Do you see this book as “appropriate”? 
    1. For what age (does age matter)?
  2. Would you spend resources on purchasing it (for your classroom, school library?)

  1. Where should it be accessible (everywhere, classroom, school library, public library, etc.)?

  1. Can you think of a book you wish you hadn’t read at a young age?

  1. A book you wish you HAD access to at a younger age?

ACTIVITY 6 - Children’s Collections

Room 200

  • Picture Books (PZ8.)
  • Beginning readers (PZ6.)
  • Juvenile Fiction (PZ7.)
  • Young Adult Fiction (PZ7.5.)
  • Children’s Graphic Novels (all call numbers)

Room 204

  • Nonfiction (by subject LC call numbers)
  • K-12 Curriculum (by subject LC call numbers)
  • Videos, audiobooks (all call numbers)
  • Braille
  • Poetry (PZ5.)
  • Oversized (all call numbers)

Using our Collection

  • Don’t put books back on shelf, use return bin or leave on tables
  • Check out books on the 1st floor by the front door of the library
  • Or via a locker system out front: request the book in OneSearch, you will get an email when it is ready, limit 5 book requests at one time
  • Check out for 16 weeks, up to 50 at a time           

Head to the 2nd floor!